
Vern's Characters

dragons humans creatures cats and others

Primary- These are my babies and will NEVER be up for offers. In this folder inclues my sona and usally the characters who have the greatest about of art along with the greatest quality of art.

Secondary-Usally not up for offers either but don't be afraid to ask. These babies I've usally had a for a long time and often has attachment to them, also each having stories and personality.

Tertiary- Filled of designs I like but not quite put to use. Designs here are up for offers. Many of them I intend to either rid of since I haven't used them yet.

Vernderii- Not up for offers either, and also contains my other sona. This is a world building folder, most of the designs are made by me, and each character has a story attached too.

Adopt/OTA- You may offer on characters in here, these I have zero to no attachment to, most of them I'll trying to get rid of anyways. Do note if they have pricings on them, and if not DM me to ask for them- I have a seperate document tracking all art transactions.

Warnings: skulls, gore and blood, insects

HTML by TheDemonicArtist

dragon wingsoffire wof ufs Theowing FERAL KOIGON Tepuiwing fantasy Sporewing closedtribe CLOSED SPECIES warriorcats Nightwing WoF uft DRAGON space wings of fire Fantribe