
"Mirage" (working title) is a story about a planet full of rabbit people dealing with the looming threat of an incoming water-covered pseudo-planet (Mirage) set to collide and wipe out all life. Technological advancements have centered around developing a system to divert the path of Mirage, culminating in the creation of the MAGMA (Massive Anti-Gravity / Magnetism Adjustor) project alongside a mining division to simultaneously recoup for the loss of resources incurred by the project, and to develop more technology with the precious resources gained. Despite turning a world-ending curse into a once-in-all-lifetimes blessing and hopeful prospects for the success of the project, tensions are high and life remains difficult in the face of an uncertain future.

furry anthro rabbit bunny cat sona dog robot mouse neopets neopet fox bori gryphon marble fox android