
Subject Alec Matthew Roberts is a prisoner at Abnormal Detainment Facility 7. What does that mean? He's not quite sure. But if Alec is to believe the claims of his cellmate, Luke Winter, then it means that he's a superhero... or something like that. Apparently some time ago, human kids began to develop strange powers which scared the government into hunting down the powered children, locking them away and experimenting on them. Luke has been at Facility 7 since he was ten years old; Alec has somehow reached sixteen without the slightest indication of his special abilities. But one thing's for sure, Alec isn't just going to take being a lab-rat lying down, and the mysterious and enigmatic Callum Reyes may hold the key to Alec's, and everyone else's freedom.

Male Human Magic Female Pansexual Gay Demon Bisexual Straight Villain Royalty Greek god Alador Hunter Nobility Faerie Fairy Peasant Superpowers Prince