The Key

Aidan’s ordinary life was fine until an old man accosted him in the street and handed him a small silver key. But after narrowly avoiding being shot and blown up, Aidan has to conclude that this key is nothing but trouble. But try as he might, Aidan can’t seem to lose the key. He even threw it in a sewer and yet it turned up, perfectly dry, in his pocket. Forced to go on the run for reasons he doesn’t understand, Aidan is done for. That is, until he meets Theo. Theo has been tasked by his master with protecting the key and bringing it to him. And since Theo doesn’t want to kill Aidan, he acts as his guard and guide, shepherding him towards his mysterious master, and, perhaps, whatever it is that the key unlocks.

Male Human Magic Female Pansexual Gay Demon Bisexual Straight Villain Royalty Greek god Hunter Alador Nobility Fairy Faerie Peasant Prince Superpowers