Priests of the Tower

The Priests of the Tower are the most revered people in the country, and they are bound by strict rules. One of the main ones is that none of the common peasantry are allowed to so much as touch them. Then one of the common peasantry crashes into one as he's making his way to a temple. He is quickly apprehended by guards, and is about to be dragged off to be whipped for his transgression, when the priest orders him to be released. The Priest then brings him with him to the temple, which is not allowed, and propositions him for sex, which is also super not allowed. The common dude declines and the priest is like "well I make this journey everyday, if you change your mind." And then the story progresses with them meeting everyday, and the commoner declining sex every time. But every time they meet, they talk more and grow closer and develop a genuine romance. But there is a reason priests are not allowed to interact with commoners, the Priests of the Tower have secrets, and if the priest is found to be in danger of revealing those secrets, both he and his lover will be executed.

Male Human Magic Female Pansexual Gay Demon Bisexual Straight Villain Royalty Greek god Hunter Alador Nobility Fairy Faerie Peasant Prince Superpowers