The Great Game

In the land of Terludum there are two kingdoms; the kingdom of Aquilos and the kingdom of Dracoia, ruled over by the god-kings Aroin, the King of Eagles, and Pyrias, the King of Dragons. Despite what you might think, the gods are not enemies and instead enjoy a friendly rivalry.

For decades the two gods have played a game. The rules of this game are very simple; each kingdom must send out a team of eight teenagers to cross the land the separates the two kingdoms and reach the rival king's castle. The game is only won if all eight players of one team reach the opposing castle alive.

Since its inception, the game has never been won.

Kai, the prince of dragons is determined to change that. But first he needs to enter the game and make sure he is chosen to compete, which, for a prince, is no easy task.

Male Human Magic Female Pansexual Demon Gay Bisexual Straight Villain Royalty Greek god Hunter Alador Nobility Fairy Faerie Peasant Superpowers Prince