VirtueVirucide's Bulletins

Gonna steal this from Koopa bc how does one intro

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by VirtueVirucide


1 Votes Beep Boop Meow
0 Votes 28 stab wounds


Whatever you want I suppose, but default noise is Ryjah, I get weirdly happy being called Guzma, Axel/Lea or Pico as well lol


Idk about you, but I'm not feeling 22 (sep 5)



any pets?:

Kibby and a doggo

fun fact:

I tend to color code people in my head based on how close I am to them if that makes sense

No I won't elaborate


Ngl I'm not sure but it ain't extremely important I feel


He/him or they/them, I'm not picky, you can alternate if you want, again it's not super important


Bi I think, but with a lean that shifts every so often

Am probably ace/demi as well but who knows, I have a raunchy sense of humor if I'm comfy with you unless you tell me that it's not your cup of tea

relationship status:

(I have crushes but prefer to just be chatty with peeps, life's too short for some stuff let's be real)


Beep Boop What

early bird or night owl?:

Night Owl, 10 - midnight hits different

bath or shower?:


first thought in the morning:

either overthinking about a dream or a song that'll be stuck in my head for the next 24 hours

last thought before falling asleep:

[Hannah-Barbara sound effects]

(Again, no, I won't elaborate)

Do you work or are you a student?:


What do you do well?:

Doodle and bake I think

- Habits (Do you...?)


Kinda, just to socialize pretty much


Nah I'm good

have a go-to comfort food?:

Anything crunchy or sweet, not extremely often of course

have a nervous habit?:

Stuttering on the spot, I can't improv for crap lol

- What is your favorite...?


(Forgets every food I've liked)

Tacos? And most spicy and/or fried stuff I suppose, crunchy 

also Takis.


Fizzy drinks mostly, especially root beer, but good ol juice is noice too


 Most animals, but kittens, super fluffy dogs, lizards, snakes? Also axolotls look really cool


Man, I Don't Know, I don't usually focus on genre, but the stuff I like is mostly electronic I think? Rock and stuff that utilizes music boxes are fantastic too

Examples of what I mean, feel free to Google:

Mr.Kitty - After Dark (the original and TrackGonEat remix, yes I know about the artist's bs, I've downloaded the original lol)

Spectral Spectacle - Crystal Clocks

InnerPartySystem - Don't Stop, Obsession, and This Empty Love (three way tie, Woo boy)


At the moment, Skullgirls Mobile? But Pokemon (OG Diamond and Pearl, Legends Arceus, OG Sun and Moon) and Kingdom Hearts pretty obviously resonated with me as well lmfao

tv show:

I rarely watch shows anymore, but Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt defined my sense of humor and MLP:FiM basically ended up growing up with me without even trying