
Dandelions FN-L719-Xo-AA-mq-P.jpg

My folder of characters with either a lot of art because I love them most or they're HQ charas i'm attached to. I only offer/trade any of these up for another chara if I send you my TH but please don't offer on them if I didn't. There are some charas that are off limits but just ask me if they are or not but you can also check their profiles :) Some of these charas have also been adopted or have commisioned art with real money so if you're not willing to offer real currency for them then they are off limits.

Tent precious foreverhomed centre variety

Roses 25416309-SX540.jpg

Random charas I think are more favored by me not to put in my other folders but not as attached to them as the ones in the Dandelions folder. Willing to trade them off if I send you my Th.There are also closed species in here.

Attached chaos closed species cool shit

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Idk man i have a very set theme for my current characters and some of these charas don't fit with the memo soooo yeah. Don't go thru my other folders if i link you this :/ There are characters in here that are also tent buuuttt not completely off limits so offer what you'd like. I take money(unlikely but whtvr) > trades > AC (amino coins = DA points > art as an add on This folder will only be open for a short period of time once I share it out so be aware of that.




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