Vix111's Bulletins

The problem

Posted 3 years, 21 days ago by Vix111

I don’t remember before the infestation.

But some Elder wolves do. They remember a time when our bodies were our own. When pups grew up strong and healthy.

But all I’ve ever know was this mutated body of mine. And although I know one day the “thing” will take over me, I’m not worried. Might as well accept the   inevitable. Because the past of health is long behind us, and with it, hope.

My blood clouds the lake as I hack up my lungs. Today’s there’s more blood than usual, I remark, as the red ripples through the lake. However, I’m glad to get the corrupt fluid out of my system.

The older wolves say my body will be clean as soon as “it” takes over.

I hunch my back and cough once for good measure. I painfully clear my throat. 

I then look at myself reflected in the red of the water. 

My back has grown out, and my spine is starting to  poke through. It was no big deal. Some wolves in my pack have it much worse. Over grown teeth, deformed sculls, scrawny body’s, we’re just some features pack members have come to develop.

Some wolves have grown without these, but each generation they’re more far and few in between.

Other than my back, I looked relatively well. My fur was matted, but what could I expect?


” Hi Sarah“ 

As I came back to pack I saw Sarah, who thankfully was still alive. It seemed like it finally took her eye though as her socket lay empty. Despite that, Sarah was still  Relatively pretty with her blond coat.

“ Hi Fern.” Sarah said  Unenthusiastically.

” what, the pain getting to you? I cocked my head as I sat down on the dirt floor.

“Yeah, but what can you expect“ “such is life“ she said with a sigh, as she plopped down on a rock and laid her head on her paws.

Sarah always seemed sad, like she was yearning for a life outside this one. Occasionally, Sarah would stare out into the distance, her mind somewhere else. 


I stood up. “We still got time before it gets to us”  “we might as well  enjoy it”

Sarah sheepishly smiled, but said nothing.

“Come one, cheer up” I said.

“I’m sorry.” Said Sarah. She frowned.” but dying isn’t fun.” “Why can’t we just live like the wolves before us? Why can’t I have my eye?”

“Well, we're all dying, but yet we’re still alive.” I turned my head away and hacked up some blood on the ground. “Sorry” I mumbled.

“Yeah I guess” said Sarah gimmicly. She stared past the trees into the distance, and all was silent.

New project

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Vix111

Found this super lush black fur for a good price!

planning on making a plush based on lunas fur(:

 Eyes placed in head top499-E16-B6-544-F-4698-B2-C5-D84-E857-ABC


Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Vix111

Life sized lucario finished!

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by Vix111


Finished yesterday! just gave to my sister(: 

Life size Purple lucario progress

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by Vix111

Just need to sew the tail, arms and head to the body, plus the spikes, and other details(:

hoping to be able to give it to my sister on easter(:

have a good Easter by the way, secular or not(: 


Life sized purple lucario progress

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by Vix111

All peices of the head are pinned(: ear “lobes?” Aren’t stuffed yet.

overall, I’m pretty pleased with the results. Also I would give the dye I used an A+


Life size purple lucario plush progress

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by Vix111

progress update 1:

both bottom legs finished. I like the paws(:



Some pieces layed out, to show the aprox size of the lucario. A little bigger than the 4 “ 11 lucario size, but I’m fine with that.


Fabric to be dyed tommarow, hope it goes well. Then I can get to working on the head(:

Life sized lucario plush

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by Vix111

My sister plays a purple lucario in smash, and her dream is to have a life sized plush of it. So I decided to make her dream come true, and make it myself (:


Purple minky was impossible to find, so Im taking the jump, and dying it myself.

I finally have all the peices cut out, and I’ll dye them this Saturday, and get to sewing!(:

Will post more images of process, and maybe the pattern if people want it.

Plush sewing pattern recommendations?

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Vix111

Any recommendations for the next plush  sewing pattern I should make and release to the public?

comment below(:

Perpetual confusion

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Vix111



a couple of drawings in my sketch book.

Fruit enter the world without context.

we all are fruit,

prepetually confused, until the very end.