Volfee's Bulletins

Looking to commission [custom]

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by Volfee

Heyo everyone!

I’m looking to get a new fursona! I’d like to try my hand at a Otter sona!

Either a sea otter or North American river otter, whatever one you’d like to draw I love them both.

Design musts:

🧁I have freckles dotted under my eyes and I’d like for the otter to have the same

🧁slightly pudgy.

🧁brown eyes

🧁either no hair or short/shaved black haircut

That’s pretty much it! I’m open to all colors and palettes and gender/sex

My fav color is pink but the design doesn’t have to have that.

Let me know your prices in the comments! I might commission more than one person.

Thank you guys💖

This is my current main sona
