Vulppix's Bulletins

EO on OCs, LF: Art

Posted 6 months, 18 days ago by Vulppix

Hi :] I want more art of my OCs that need arts, but I’m too busy to do art trades rn so I’m just doing a trades bump basically LOL 

I also redid my tags 

Also looking for money toooo if you’d rather offer that instead 👀 or just offer whatever idk even trades, I might look

My characters are Entertaining Offers, so it no trades are guaranteed reee

If offering for anything on my storage please comment on this bulletin!!

EO on main account 
Very tent EO on main account

EO on storage 
Very tent EO on storage


Posted 7 months, 7 days ago by Vulppix


i like naming characters, and I thought it might be fun to help anyone who has a bunch of TBN characters come up with some ideas! 

so, if you have any you want suggestions for, comment their links and what types of names you would like :]] ill try and suggest multiple if I can 

helpful info for me would be:

if you want a noun name (Soda, Apple, Moss, etc)
something related to their design
a ‘basic name’ (Julia, Sam, Alex, etc)
names from different languages
names with a particular meaning
a certain letter
fantasy style name 

etc etc LOL none of that is required tho

edit: if you post multiple, i‘ll get to you eventually ! I’ll do people who only submit 1-2 OCs first

A Mysterious Door Appears…

Posted 7 months, 16 days ago by Vulppix

Will you knock?

Lights are OFF! Hope everyone had a fun Halloween!
If you got a trick last time, you may comment one more time, but you might just get another trick!

I am taking part in the Trick or Treat Event once again!! I know I did my own event/game earlier in October, but I can’t resist doing this one too lol I just love it so much

All you have to do is comment ‘Trick or Treat’, or something similar on this bulletin, and I will give you something in return! Roleplay is not required, but it would be fun :]

NOTE: Because I have previous prizes to work on from my own Candy Hunt event, I will not doing any ‘good art’ as treats.

Treats: Moodboard for your OC, a song I think fits your Oc, meme draw-overs, 3 minute sketch, favoriting some of your characters

Tricks: random Halloween gifs, a tumblr post, links to YouTube videos I watched recently, a fart joke, a bad pun

Comment ‘in character’ if you want a specific OC used, otherwise I’ll pick someone random!

Candy Hunt starts TOMORROW!

Posted 8 months, 5 days ago by Vulppix

The Candy Hunt starts TOMORROW! 

If you haven’t yet joined the World, now’s your chance! You still have some time to familiarize yourself with how the game works, the rules, and the forums.

Later tonight, I will post the first art prompt, so keep an eye out for that for a chance to earn some bonus points!

If you’re already in the world, but didn’t get a notification for the World Bulletin, please edit your Membership Settings to turn them on, so you know when it starts.

ToyHouse trick or treat street!

Posted 8 months, 10 days ago by Vulppix

I’m not hosting a door this year because of my own event, but I wanted to share it for anyone else who might want to check it out, it’s really fun!!


Posted 8 months, 11 days ago by  🎃CANDY HUNT🎃 Vulppix

The Candy Hunt world is now Open for join requests! 

When joining, please add “yes” if you participated in the first scavenger hunt, or “no” if you did not. People who haven’t played before will be let in first, so it might be a day or two before you’re let in if you played last time.

(I also have a list of everyone who played last time so if you forget to write anything dw LOL)

Once you’re in, feel free to familiarize yourself with the layout of the world, rules, and the prize forums! 

I’ve also changed the limit from 50 to 55 !!

Prizes will be revealed once the event starts ;)

Click here to check it out! 🎃


Posted 8 months, 13 days ago by Vulppix

dcnvzf0-1ecc5df6-d055-4a89-afeb-0fca3164hullo everynyan !!!

A week from now, my second scavenger hunt will start!! Although since it’s Halloween themed, it’s called the Candy Hunt this time :]

Sunday, October 8th will mark the start of a week-long event, where you will earn points by completing tasks to win points, which you can buy prizes with!

This time, the game will be hosted on a ToyHouse World, instead of in my bulletins, which will hopefully make things a little less laggy than last time. 

TOMORROW I will be opening early “sign-ups” for people who want to join the world to participate! There is a limit of 50 people allowed to join, as I feel like that’s the most I can handle reasonably ^^ Therefore, people who did not participate last event will be prioritized when let into the world! 

that’s all for now I think, I’ll make another bulletin tomorrow with more info !!

Scavenger Hunt Guest Artist sign-ups

Posted 10 months, 10 days ago by Vulppix

Hello hello! Now that Art Fight is over, it is time for me to prepare for my next scavenger hunt… the event will take place sometime in late October, but it never hurts to be prepared ahead of time!

Scavenger Hunt Example 
Prize Examples

I think it would be really cool to have some more Guest Artists this time, to help bring some more variety to the adopt prizes, so I’m opening up some applications! 

Info for Potential Guest Artists!

If you’re chosen to be a guest artists, you will be expected to provide at least 3 off-base Regular designs OR 10 Little designs, but you’re free to make as many more as you want. Once you make some off-base designs, you can also make some on-base designs, as long as it’s with a base you made. 

“Regular” designs


“Little” designs

61546763_yosRTWhyBDevHBO.pngGuest artists who want to participate in the scavenger hunt will also receive 5 bonus points for filling the initial ‘Quota’, and I might give out some more if you make even more designs!

I will pick applications in around week, to give people time to sign up + me to choose. GAs will have around 2 months to make designs, the deadline being somewhere in early October (exact date also TBD. I’ll announce to/DM it to the GAs when I pick them). Hopefully that should be enough time to get some designs made!

There is no penalty/consequence if you need to back out! I understand if you get busy or things come up. 

Halloween or spooky themed designs would be the main focus, since it’ll be hosted in October! But some non-seasonal designs would be good too.


Design examples:
Discord (opt):
Will you participate in the game: Y/N

Discord is optional, but just in case you want to send me your designs through there! 

I will DM the users who I decide to pick as GA‘s to inform them they have been chosen.

LOL thanks for reading I know thats a lot, but there was a lot of information I wanted to include wheeze  


Posted 1 year, 11 days ago by Vulppix


*intense video game music as I try and speed run making new references in one month*

anyway check out my profile if you wanna, it still needs a lot of updating because I procrastinate LOL

ALSO!!! I will be posting something about an art fight hunger games… so keep an eye out for that in the future 

(Table of contents) 
-Scavenger Hunt Prizes
-Next Scavenger Hunt
-Picrew Update
-Prize collages

Scavenger Hunt Prizes

Hello again!

As of writing this it is April 30th (aka Basically May) and just a few hours ago I finished the Final Scavenger Hunt Prize!! Thank you all so much for your patience, I had a blast hosting the event and drawing all of your characters, and I look forward to doing it again sometime. I’m also quite glad it only took me two and a half months and not up to six lol

At the end of this bulletin you can find some collages of all the prizes I did :)

Next Scavenger Hunt

Yes, I will be hosting another scavenger hunt later this year! There will be some changes next time around, however. There will be more adoptable prizes; art prizes will be more exclusive and slightly harder to get, just to make the workload a little bit easier on me lol 

The next event will be hosted around the beginning of October, with spooky season themed adopts, and possibly spooky prompts! 

Here’s a list of changes. Bolded changes are for certain, but others are still being considered

-It will be hosted on a ToyHouse World that players can join so I can keep track of who has joined 
-Days will no longer be replayable, to make it more competitive 
-Perhaps extending it to make up for not being able to replay days
-Assign ”mods” to organize comments
-More adopt prizes, art prizes harder to obtain 
-More variety in prize prices 
-Adding a “tip jar“
-Possible rework of point earning system, might implement a cap for possible points earned each day

If anyone has other suggestions for the next scavenger hunt, I’d love to hear them!!

Picrew update

I haven’t actually made like, any progress on the Picrew because I got caught up working on all the prizes, BUT I will be working on it from time to time now :) more info about that to come later lol


ANYWAY here’s all the prizes I did, this is a super long bulletin thanks for reading, hopefully you read all of it, if you did here‘s a cookie and a kith 🍪😘 







Little customs
