Wapuurin's Profile Comments

Hi! Where did you get the character profile layout for Selaphiel? Plus your OCs are adorbs oml and I think Selaphiel is the cutest

Thank you for the compliment ヽ(;▽;)ノ! The lovely profile layout is by dvdexe!

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Thank you ; v; <33 You have alot of cuties yourself too * 7 *<333

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hihi! could you possibly switch the permissions for this cutie so she can be tradeable and/or giftable? I'm fairly sure when I bought her the rules were trading/gifting are allowed but not resell e3e

Yep~ It should be retrade / giftable now!

Yay, thank you! She's being rehomed to Evelin333 and I'd much prefer to do it here so she wouldn't have to re-upload again lol.