Weezleton's Bulletins

Rat Comms 4 Rat Medicine [CLOSED]

Posted 1 month, 5 days ago by Weezleton

Hi hi, as some of you may know I am no longer living out of a motel (ty!!  ); but our first day moving in our new roommates gave us a rat who recently gave birth & they couldn’t care for properly. (We had rats before we even had a bed lol)

All 7 babies have been doing well, but Beanie (the mom) has recently started sneezing and we already spent our budget on a proper cage (the one they were in wasn’t even hamster-appropriate), rent, a second cage (to separate them in a week) + a bunch of supplies.

So I’m doing rat-themed customs, chibis, & doodles for the $35 nursing-safe antibiotics! +$15 for supplies & taxes. It’ll also be enough to treat all 7 babies if it was transferred to them

All from-scratch (not base) drawings will have sketchy lineart as these will be done during breaks from the big comm I’m working on
82049686_3U0pBEIDPyIIl9H.png(Real footage of me ”biting off more than I can chew” with this latest commission ^)

Goal: $50/$50 (CLOSED)

Rat Doodle: $4 [A doodle of your rat OC or your OC as a rat]

Rat Custom: $6 [Sketchy lines or on-base] can be kemonomimi, anthro, quad, or pet

Rat Chibi: $8 [Your rat OC or your OC as a rat]

Rat Kigu: $8 [Your OC in a rat kigurumi]

Chibi w/ pet rat or Beanie: $10 [A chibi of your OC with their pet rat, a random rat, or Beanie]

Beanie & The Beanie Babies YCH: $12 [Your character as the blue chibi 2/ Beanie & her babies, generic rats, OR rainbow rats]
82051773_6h50od9cWZVASgv.jpg(Anthros, humans, humanoids, kemonomimi all OK)

I can also do any of these not-rat themed for an extra $2 dollars ?? Maybe

Shares as always are so appreciated, Tysm 🙏 please comment, DM, or message me on discord to order.

Donations/tips: https://ko-fi.com/allibun (NOT for comms! Donations or tips only; ko-fi TOS makes me nervous)

>> Will be closed once I reach the goal << I want to focus on treating Beanie, socializing the babies & improving my art after all owed art is done

PWYW Comms!! (OPEN)

Posted 2 months, 16 days ago by Weezleton

Hi hi! I am currently in a motel 6 (just got back to WA!) and would like to earn a little money to cover Apt. application fees & food.

So for the first time ever, I’m doing Pay-What-You-Want mystery commissions! Both art & designs. The more you pay, the bigger, fancier, or and/or more quantity of art/design :3 (+ extra goodies for successful referrals!)
But there’s no exact price guide! Even if you pay the minimum you may get a little more than the minimum, depending on factors :D

Minimum: $2 PayPal , or $1 apps/ways that don’t charge fees |  Maximum* $200
The guarenteed minimum art is a colored sketch/doodle for non-complex characters! (complex being like, super patterned sparkledog levels)

*Drawings $30+ will have a 2 week waiting period, depending. $80+ will have a 3 week wait, ~$100 will have a month wait, & $130-$200 will have a two month wait. (The more expensive ones will have a lot of time put into them, so I need the time!)

Art form:
Likes: (just for inspiration)
Dislikes: (will avoid)

Like/Dislike examples: neon, tons of saturation, monochrome palettes, chibi style, x expression for (insert oc), bugs

Design form:
Base or freehand:
Likes: (just for inspiration)
Dislikes: (will avoid)

Like/Dislike examples: dogs/canines, stripes, freckles, bunny, wings, brown + pink, orange, anthro, feral, human, kemonomimi

Referrals: Have a friend you think would like my art/designs? If you successfully* refer a friend, you’ll get free art/design!
*if they ordered a form & included you as a referral, and you had ordered previously :] like in mobile games!

The free art/design will be worth up to half of what your referee ordered (max $30), or the minimum (whichever is worth more)
So if they order $1 worth of art, you won’t get 50 cents worth, you’ll get a dollar worth.

Making journals/posts or sharing in discord groups also works, just be sure to mention putting you as the referral!

Please either comment on this post, PM on TH, or DM me on Discord with your form! 

Buy My Pals Headshots !!

Posted 7 months, 28 days ago by Weezleton

My friend Venus has opened Headshot commissions! They‘ve got a distinct style, good turnaround, good expressions, & put a lot of care into their work! They’re $6 for symmetry, and $12 for classic- super good pricing considering they’re in the UK 


Forum: https://toyhou.se/~forums/71.art-marketplace/450773.ps5-10-6-12-usd-headshot-comms

Their art tab: https://toyhou.se/VenusBenus/art

Mystery Swap

Posted 8 months, 21 days ago by Weezleton

Saw a couple people I follow do these n thought it seemed fun!! :]
You send me a mystery character, and I send a mystery character back! Like a trade, but neither party sees the design beforehand

Please put "mystery", "mystery trade", or "mystery swap" in the trade reason- or comment or dm after you send the character!

I don't mind if you state something you dislike before I send an oc back, like "no orange please!" or something
So if you hate orange and spikes I don't accidentally send you an orange spikey character xD

Getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed in a few days!! Info & links here: (click on image or this) Shares are also super appreciated   ty!


Hi hi, so this kinda ties into this vent I did a few months ago, but essentially I was forced into my first job knowing full well that I can’t work 98% of jobs (but that 2% I can’t get into prevents me from getting disability support) and it was devastating to my physical & mental health. Took weeks to recover after I quit.

‘The heat is still on me to make an income though, so I’ve decided to try my absolute best to turn art into my job.
I know with all the A.I. stuff going on that’s probably not the wisest, & people say “don’t make hobbies into work” but my options are limited.

My Patreon is under construction rn, just deciding on tier names (I may do a poll) and making icons
I’m going to be primarily a YCH artist because they’re a lot less stressful & demanding than usual commissions :]
Classic from-scratch commissions will be more “expensive” as they strain my wrist/hands the most, and take more out of me.

I’ll also be turning art studies into YCHs, and will be opening art study commissions (where I use your OC in an experimental study piece)
Of course I’ll also be making adopts and P2U bases, but maaaaybe some p2u resources too? Like backgrounds and files..

I know I’ve done occasional commissions and free/cheap YCHs in the past, but I did those as a hobbyist, and this time will be trying my absolute best to be serious, determined, and dedicated. If you have any advice, ideas/suggestions, or requests please DM me, thank you!!   

LF: $$/Pikmin O: Trade/Art/Voucher

Posted 11 months, 2 days ago by Weezleton

Edit: added some voucher/coupons for my adopts/comms/YCHs! Also accepting usd now too, as much as I lov Pikmin... money is money.

Hi hi,, I've been on-&-off fixated on Pikmin for a couple months now and I've been thinking about them all month this month !!
SO here's my request/offer, DM or comment if interested! Shares are esp. appreciated   

Seeking/Wanting: Premade or custom Pikmin OCs (....or usd)
(most interested in Pikmin, but also will look at Bulborb & other creatures in the series- or even inspired species!)

[★ means I may want more than one pikmin oc, or one that I REALLY like, depending on what you want!] Don't be afraid to shoot your shot!! I will not intentionally ignore offers, I'll tell you if I'm not interested


  • Any characters from here: [Offer folder] 
  • Unsold adopts marked as Weezleton/Mimi💕☀️ on here: [Shared adopt acc] 
  • Doodle YCH slots [Doodle YCH]
  • Adopt Voucher(s) to a certain price [never expires until used] (also can be used for resales)
  • Commission/YCH coupons [never expire until used]
  • Base art/"Base YCH" (can be shaded?) , [P2U bases I own] 
  • Custom base/lineart (can be F2U, P2U, or semi-private; meaning I can use it too but not for ych/adopts)
  • On-base Redesign-customs of characters in here: [WIP ota folder] 
  • On-base Redesign-custom of you oc? / fandom AU redesign (will still have enough changes to be an OC)
  •  ★ Small on-base customs (or bigger if offering multiple or fancy/"hq" pikmin ocs, or a bigger custom) [Mixed design examples]
  • ★★ Maybe one of these OCs: [temp. tag] 
  • ★★ Small freehand custom (or bigger, depending on offer)
  • ★ SOME art, likely after artfight [mixed art examples] (Depends on the offer, for one simple pikmin I like, maybe a fb sketch or colored hs sketch?? idk)

May eventually add points as an option if I earn enough, but no usd as all 5 tests I need to take total to $100   

Artfight >:)

Posted 11 months, 18 days ago by Weezleton

Hi hi I am participating this year!! focused primarily on revenge (but friendly-fire friendly 🧛🏻) to avoid straining my wrist too much.
My art is gonna be a little less polished than usual for the same reason! But I’ll still try n make everything look nice overall ofc :]


My artfight profile: https://artfight.net/~Weezleton

OCs on my artfight: https://toyhou.se/Weezleton/characters/tagged:on%20AF

My AF Toyhouse tag: https://toyhou.se/Weezleton/characters/tagged:AF%20ready
(Not in order of preference, purely alphabetical)

Please do not attack me 
if you judge/harass/shame people for: 
race, sexuality, identity, gender, transition status, weight, disability, appearance, fictional interests, ships, kinks, fandoms, art style, art quality, self-ships, or spirituality.

Pls vote on how I'll post bases!

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Weezleton


Pick an animal/specie (hybrids welcome) you want to see a base of and DM me a screenshot of your vote. I'll make a public base of that animal/specie! :]
You can pick if they're anthro or feral, and maybe something small like a sweater? and if the base I make from your request is p2u I'll give you a free copy!

Just a way of accepting requests that's eventually guaranteed, but also helps me decide on post images lol

Non-subscribers welcome too! The more votes the merrier

[This isn't a custom-base or personal base though, it'll be one that others can use (f2u or p2u) and will just have my base rules]

Which Pokémon should I make fusion adopts with?

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Weezleton

Which base pkmn should I make fusion adopts w/

0 Votes Pikachu
0 Votes Eevee
4 Votes Joltik
0 Votes Bidoof
0 Votes Hoppip
0 Votes Ponyta
2 Votes Wooper

I’ve always wanted to try my hand at Pokefusions / “this pokemon but X type” stuff, and I’ve seen so many pkmn adopts for the last few weeks in this new server I’m in- that I just gotta do it!!

I might go wild and do some 3-4 fusions too, not just two Pokémon. But I wanna start with a simple base to work off!
Idk who to start with though, so I’m doing this poll with a mix of popular ones & some I like :]

(When I do these they’ll be on Mimopui)