
Welcome to the Aurapelts Vault!

This folder holds everything you need to know about how to make a Aurapelt, buy an myo, and more!


  • Info
  • Lore
  • Traits

Mascot: Erza

Availability: Closed

Aurapelts are northern hemisphere based nocturnally active dragons who's blue and white pelts shimmer with rainbow colors that help them blend in with the northern lights. It can act as a sort of Bioluminescent trait since it could also be triggered to glow at will to help not lose each other in storms. 

They're awake around late afternoon and go to sleep just before sunrise. They have eye's similar to felines, but with extremely good night vision. 

They're Omnivores, and prefer to hunt large game such as bears, moose, fish, and elk, but will also go after packs of wolves, foxes, and smaller game like rodents if food gets scarce. 

They're intelligent and while they cannot speak the language of humans (except for few who actively practice and can speak extremely simplified broken english) they are quick to learn and understand how things work. They are cautious, but friendly to those who prove to be no threat. They'll even actively go out of their way to help creatures who are in dire need of rescue since they seem to have an understanding amongst themselves that if it is sudden or unnatural (like ice breaking under someone, about to be hit by a vehicle, or creatures who dont belong/arent usual prey end up in danger being hunted by something else) it shouldn't be allowed to occur and isn't considered a normal part of the circle of life. Think of them as feral but friendly creatures.

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