(PET) Blebs

Welcome to the Blebs Vault!

This folder holds everything you need to know about how to make a Bleb, buy an myo, and more!


  • Info
  • Lore
  • Traits

Mascot: King Blebb

Availability: Semi-Open

Blebs are a derpy comfort species made by Wicke! They're small semi-intelligent creatures that survive simply because they help other creatures vibe n survive without causing harm. Their size range and total mass also make them either too big or too skinny to be worth eating for possible predators. Some blebs mutated unnaturally through pollution or experimentation which resulted in some of the rare and legendary traits. No blebs have been severely harmed or had passed away from prior incidents, they just got some funky new looks. They're called blebs because of a joke me and my friends do where we say blep, and one time one of us said bleb by mistake so we use it with blep now as well, and I said bleb to my roommate, who's in on this, right before I created them so I figured that would be a wonderful name for these cute lil beans.

What's the situation with Blebs being usable?

Blebs are semi-open with a system for closed traits. Blebs are mostly open, however certain traits may require myo trait tickets to use when making a Bleb. This is to make Blebs a bit more interesting, but still have little limitations on creativity. Common Blebs are now able to be created freely though, but designs must have Wicke's approval! I made this as comfort species so please keep them wholesome, I care a lot for these derpy beans!

ALL NON-COMMON BLEBS CAN ONLY BE OBTAINED THROUGH WICKE'S ADOPTS! Please be patient for MYO ticket price updates, thank you! Sometimes I will gift tickets so its still possible to get some before prices are set!

Can Blebs have clothing, pets, or other misc. items?

Yes they can! The for example, googly eyes on King Blebb's tail are fake, and he has his crown and worm buddy! Decorate your Blebs to your hearts content! Blebs are known to adopt other creatures as their pets/companions, typically they are smaller, but some few cases have had creatures larger than Blebs being befriended!


Common (Open)

☆Squirrel Swirl Tail

☆Fleshy/short furred muzzle/hands

☆Rounded Tongue

☆Large Round Pupils (All Blebs have big derp eyes despite the pupil type, keep this in mind!)

Uncommon (Open)

♤Chameleon Swirl Tail

♤Snoot Spike

♤Back Spikes

♤Long Tongue

♤Shaped Pupils (Stars, hearts, squares, etc.)

Rare (Closed)

♡Uncurled Tail

♡Slime Tail

♡Gem Claws/Spikes

♡Abstract pupils (Swirls, skulls, simple symbols)

Legendary (Closed)

♧Space Tail

♧Terrarium/Aquarium Tail

♧Monster Tail

♧Cloud Tail

♧Plant Tail

♧Slime eyes

♧4 Ears

♧Zipper Parts

♧Frankenstein Parts

♧Phantom Parts

♧Exoskeleton (Exterior skull mask, spine, and ribs partly fused into the body to still function)