(PET) Greaver's

Welcome to the Greaver's Vault!

This folder holds everything you need to know about how to make a Greaver, buy an myo, and more!


  • Info
  • Lore
  • Traits

Mascot: None

Availability: Semi-Open 

Greavers don’t have eyes, and see using echolocation and scent. They can “taste” colors too, so they lick stuff a bunch. They communicate through bark/roar/growl sounds, as well as creating loud slap sounds with their flat tails, similar to how a beaver would (this also contributed to the spelling of their name)

Open Greaver Traits:

• Basic Spikes anywhere on body

• Having many or no tails is optional, but commonly they have 1 tail. All tails MUST be flat or have some part of the top of the tail be flat, as tail slapping is an important characteristic in the species. Tails can have spikes as long as they don’t prevent tail-slapping.

• Gem/Rock-like “Spikes” (doesn’t need to be pointed/rounded, so they can be almost any shape or texture)

• Smooth/Textured Tails

• Forked Tongues

• Scales

• Horse-like Noses

• Rounded/Paw-Like Claws (Claw-Toes are commonly pointed, but they can be rounded to look more paw-like. This is not a natural trait, and occurs by the owner doing so, or by a mutation. Rounding claws done by the owner is equivalent to clipping nails/claws of a cat. It is not harmful and their claws can naturally start growing pointed again so it’s usually done monthly)

• Rounded/Pointed Teeth (Teeth can be in various sizes/amounts/textured. Tusk/outward curved Teeth are closed)

• Ear-Flaps are meaty cartilage unlike the rest of the ear-skin, and can be in different shapes. They commonly only have 3-pronged ear flaps, but there can be multiple prongs, along with ability to grow horns/spikes on them)

Closed Greaver Traits:

• Bat-Like Noses

• Feathers

• Wing-like Horns/Spikes/Tails

• Fish/Ocean Mammal-like Fins

• Shells

• Multiple Eyes (Body/Horns Only!)

• Glowing Markings/Guts/Blood

• Multiple Tails

• 2+ Heads

• Hand/Claw-like Tails

• Multiple Mouths

• Tusk/Outward-Curved Teeth

• Fire/Liquid/Gas-Spitting (“fire-breathers” are what they’re called no matter what they spit, and this trait is very rare in Greavers)

• Magic/Elemental (A Rare Trait, sometimes it allows Greavers 1 magic ability. Simple magic only, like invisibility, close-to-ground levitation, or super-sonic barking)

Off-Limits/Not Allowed Traits:

• Wings

• Multiple Ears

• Arms/Hands (They have claw/talon like paws)

• Ability to walk on Hind-Legs (this can be a trick taught to them, but they cannot switch between all 4’s and being bipedal like Downy Dogs can)

• Eyes on head (they can have 1+ eyes as long as they aren’t on the head itself)

• Rounded Skulls/Heads (they can have rounded head-horns, but the skull itself MUST stay flat on top

• Long/Frog-Like Tongues (they have average-sized tongues similar to a Golden Retriever or German Shepard)

• Multiple Limbs (These are 4-legged creatures only! No mutations cause extra legs/arm/fingers! Multiple Tails are the only thing that can occur besides eyes and spikes/horns, or maybe multiple heads)

• Beaks/Cat/Dog-like Noses (Bat noses are allowed along with horse-like snouts, but otherwise it isn’t allowed unless you get permission)

• Being completely/mostly aquatic/having gills (Greavers cannot breath under water! They can swim well, and can have fins/webbed feet depending where they live, but they can’t have gills at all. They CAN have fins on their necks/bodies that can make them appear like they have gills though)