WillowCross's Profile Comments

hi!! could i possibly ask the code for the folder? i'd love to know how to change the background like that :0

Heyo!! I used this helpful tidbit by ChuwiGirls! https://toyhou.se/8411983.f2u-html-tidbits-wip-/8412084.bg-wallpaper It works on folders, characters and the user page! I use it to add a background onto all the other codes I have used!! I made the format on my folders my own so this doesn't have the text, I can include that if you also want to have the colored text with formatting. Thank you for asking :D Also!! I know you clearly have experience coding on here since you've got a nice profile, but I always try to spread the word about this live code editor since it was a life changing when I saw people talking about it in the forms XD https://th.circlejourney.net/