Full Odds Corner

-All of these were legitimately hunted and caught in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red, or Leaf Green!

(Occasionally other pixel-based games)

-There may be other games, as long as it's full odds 1/8192 (or 1/4096 in the respective 3D games)

-Interested in seeing hunt progress? I have a shiny hunting Instagram!!

(It includes both full odds, PoGo, and new Pokemon games)

-I don't always count my RE's or SR's, but I will put an estimate!

-Everything is legitimate!!

-I'D NEVER HACK, what's the point of that!?

pokemon shiny pokefusion rainbow shiny pokemon nidoran clovertail robot charmeleon full odds oddish fakemon animatronic purple clovertails nidoran male fusion mew neopets absol