WolfyTheKitsune's Bulletins

Got this idea from a friendo :)

Posted 3 months, 28 days ago by WolfyTheKitsune

A get to know me meme I got the idea of doing from a good friendo of mine! :)

Name: Bri

Age/Age Range: 20

Sexuality: Ace

Pronouns + Gender: Female, She/Her

What do you Love:  My friends/family, art, food, Pokemon, Genshin Impact, Subnautica, music, and a lot of other things

What do you Hate: Annoying people, loneliness, death

Pet Peeves: People making weird noises right next to me, rudeness, interuptions 

Favorite Food: Seafood, Pizza, Chocolate Chip Cookies

Favorite Drinks: White Peach/Lychee Calpico, Strawberry Milk, Ramune

Coffee or Tea: Tea

Favorite TV Show/Movie: Spongebob Squarepants (TV Show), A Monster in Paris/Coraline/Kubo and the Two Strings (Movies)

Pretzels or Chips: Chippies ftw! :P

Spicy or Sweet: Sweet

Early Bird or Night Owl: Early Bird

Ping a Friend!: Anyone can do this, I'm not gonna ping anyone 

What's a Place you would Love to Visit: Germany and Japan 

Favorite Color(s): Red, Yellow, Black, Orange and Purple

Favorite Video Game: Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Genshin, Subnautica, Minecraft, L4D2, GMod

Favorite Person: My sister and my friends!

Computer or Phone: Both

Favorite Insult: “Stfu, you moan when you wipe." - One of my friends, 2k23

Are you Sarcastic: Not really, but when I am, I'm bad at it XD

Cats or Dogs: Dogs, but I love cats too

Favorite Animal: Foxes, Binturongs, Manta Rays, Cuttlefish, and Thresher Sharks

What do you think about the most: Dead vines, especially the comically large spoon vine

Goofy or Silly: Yes


Who’s your Favorite OC you Own:  A lot, but probably the ocs in my comfort ocs folder 

Were these questions decent?: They were aight, Fun to answer tho :)

I haven't joined a MYO in a while, so I'm back into joining! Come check out this cool event! ^^
