
The world of Adra

Put your story synopsis here. Nam mollis arcu id porta scelerisque. Aliquam a velit sit amet magna eleifend hendrerit et at nibh. Fusce nisl libero, elementum pharetra dolor non, consequat venenatis turpis. Nulla ut laoreet augue, eu faucibus libero. Quisque eget tempus lectus. Curabitur placerat neque et eros dapibus pellentesque. Nam sit amet tempus diam, in hendrerit ex. Mauris vel magna eleifend, lacinia odio quis, eleifend dolor. Morbi vitae arcu ut turpis elementum hendrerit vitae vel massa. Fusce aliquet quam sed ante viverra laoreet. Sed sodales odio a pellentesque suscipit. Cras aliquet sit amet leo a laoreet. Mauris sed nisi tristique, molestie odio quis, aliquam enim. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


The four Domains 

"Put a quote relating to lore here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Describe your lore here. Aenean convallis sagittis mauris, et scelerisque tortor accumsan vel. Quisque tempor sed lorem quis pellentesque. Pellentesque eget sem dui. Etiam interdum suscipit nunc in vulputate.

Quisque pharetra lacinia diam, accumsan euismod risus tempus nec. Cras volutpat, tellus ac fermentum ultrices, urna nibh sodales ex, et finibus ligula quam eu diam. Fusce dui eros, bibendum ultricies dui a, viverra feugiat elit. Sed quam lectus, ullamcorper eget tempus ac, pharetra at velit.



"These beast are the results of a corruption society."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Rakosc started appearing after the war of ??? when used magical tools that contained exhausted aspect crystal were thrown away without removing the crystal or the remnants from the battlefields were left. The Aspect crystal was fueled by light magic.

the magic that was left inside started to corrode, slowly cracking at the dimensional barrier, allowing dark energy to seep into their would creating the abyssal crystal.

This crystal only got stronger by feeding on death and the darkness that already existed in Adra. soon it started emitting a dark aura, making the wildlife go crazy, mutating them and the environments they were in. those areas were known are corrupt zones,

as time went on, the crystals that the four domains couldn’t find, or tried to keep to get an upper hand over the other, started to spawn dark begins that were unlike the world had ever seen. This is how Rakosc were born. 



"Put a quote relating to lore here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Describe your lore here. Aenean convallis sagittis mauris, et scelerisque tortor accumsan vel. Quisque tempor sed lorem quis pellentesque. Pellentesque eget sem dui. Etiam interdum suscipit nunc in vulputate.

Quisque pharetra lacinia diam, accumsan euismod risus tempus nec. Cras volutpat, tellus ac fermentum ultrices, urna nibh sodales ex, et finibus ligula quam eu diam. Fusce dui eros, bibendum ultricies dui a, viverra feugiat elit. Sed quam lectus, ullamcorper eget tempus ac, pharetra at velit.