set in an alternate universe of persona 3 canon, Atypical follows Akiko Aragaki-Sanada, child of the wildcard, Hamuko. born with powers that not even the velvet room has explaination for, Akiko and her best friend Hiroto stumble into the remnants of the Dark Hour, a time hidden from those without the potential to access it. upon entering it together for the first time, the two realize the reality they know and love is suddenly on a timer- something large and powerful is trying to claw its way out of the hole it was buried in- and two barely adults and their cat demon have to stop it before it undoes the peace their parents worked so hard for.


. born with a great gift.

being the child of a wildcard, Akiko has a great power that is hardly known about. unlike normal persona users Akiko can only temporaryily harbor shadows from the sea of souls within her being, and their loyalty is not always unconditional. despite this, she strives to make use of her power to stop the countdown to the end, a strange timer that has activated within the hidden hour and foretells of a great evil awakening. this is not like Nyx before it, the god that slumbers in the depths of the earth is not born from the desires of man, it is fueled by it's own vengeance.

. the hidden hour.

the only place the countdown can be stopped in is a place known as the dark hour, although Akiko and Hiroto refer to it as "the hidden hour" as they do not know its true name. the countdown offered them no additonal clues upon starting to tick, only a grim warning and a fear of the end. although both of them are but fledglings to their abilities, the duo has stuck through thick and thin together in the past, and this is no different. the hidden hour is full of mystery, and as they strive to better understand not only their own powers but the source of them too, they scramble to stop the clock and prevent the beginning of the end.

. buried gods seldom stay dead.

the countdown only refers to the being in danger of being awakened as "the buried god", and despite poking, prodding, and begging has offered no other assistance. what the god will do upon awakening that will lead to the end of world is unknown- but that mystery fills Akiko and Hiroto with enough fear to search for an answer. they do not know that the beast does not bend to or embody the desires of man, unlike many of its brethren, and that truly might be what makes it all the more terrifying and dangerous.



shadow host


persona user









persona user


persona user


[ shadow host ]

a being capable of forming temporary contracts with shadows that take residence in the sea of souls- unlike Persona users, they do not have the full acceptance of the shadow, and must tread lightly to avoid being injured or worse.

  • any and all shadows can be called out from the sea of souls, including the fragments of personas currently used by others
  • a shadow called out from the sea of souls can escape into reality if the timing is right. these shadows often take the form of something common

[ persona user ]

a being capable of harboring a persona- a user typically can only harbor one persona that will undergo evolution as the user grows and matures, although there are exceptions such as wildcards.

  • users typically gain command over one or two elemental powers thanks to their persona, although very rarely they will gain nothing at all. as they grow older their bodys change to better adapt to the magic within them
  • users gain a special shine to their eye upon awakening a persona, that will change in color depending on the cognitve pocket they are within. users who have experienced death in someway will lack an eyeshine all together when outside cognitive pockets, making them appear lifeless

[ shadows ]

often the manifestation of mythos, desire, or legends, shadows are beings that dwell within an area between mind and matter called the sea of souls. taking form outside the sea of souls is reserved to cognitive pockets, and here their actions impact the real world, although how depends on where they take residence

  • shadows are seperated into classes depending on their attributes. the most common type of shadow is Beast
  • shadows of the same species all share certain traits. however, as a shadow or persona spends more time with a human the more of their own, unique personailty will start to show

[ the countdown ]

taking the form of a clock within the city of Iwatodai, the countdown shows the amount of time left before the buried god is awakened. it is only recorded to have spoken once

  • its sudden appearance cannot be explained, and it is only visible within the hidden hour
  • the countdown resembles a digital clock without its frame. it's magical in the sense that it hovers slightly off the face of the building it is present on





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