Mystic Library

A folder for my characters in a world created by me and my friends! The location of the library is a gigantic ancient tree that grew around an abandoned castle after the kingdom had been deserted. The dragon decided it was the best place for his hoard and started to fill it with his books. Later on, the ruins of the city were discovered by an adventuring party who made an alliance with the dragon, as they wanted nothing but to learn and share knowledge with the land. The adventures would travel to far off places and bring books, tomes and scrolls back to the library as an offering to the dragon they befriended. After a few years, the library expanded throughout the whole castle and tales started to spread throughout the lands of its glory. Unfortunately, this also caught the attention of those who only want power and are blinded by greed, so they sent armies to siege the library and take its precious artifacts for their own gain. The dragon fought off armies of people alongside the group of adventures that had formed a friendship with it. After many battles, they emerged victorious and decided the best way to keep the peace was to open the library to everyone who wanted to learn. The dragon cast an ancient spell on the city the library sits in to put it in a "pocket dimension" to make it exist out of time as well as space to share the knowledge with future generations for all time. The group of adventures became the first keepers of the library, the highest officials under the dragon himself. What I think we could do for the story is have this be after a few hundred/thousand years of the library being open to the public. The dragon sleeps at the top in the leaves, and the Keepers help maintain the library and its contents. Since the books are the dragons hoard and it would most likely be over protective of them, even though it's being generous by sharing. There is a second role in the library made of people who retrieve books that are overdue who are good at combat in case things get dicey.

male Dnd Danganronpa my little pony furry pony Dungeons and dragons Splatoon mlp fursona female human kemonomimi Splatoon 3 dog boy Anime Half elf anthro Girl