Content Warning

Mature Content Warning

This page has been marked as containing mature content. By continuing, you acknowledge that you are 18 years old or over.

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

WARNING! Before viewing my profile and characters, be aware that there will be a chance you will view something that is not SFW. I am not a minor friendly page and should not be treated as a minor friendly page. I create adult imagery and themes and have taken extreme care to prevent them from being displayed prominently. That does not mean however, they are completely hidden away.

Please take care in viewing this page and characters.

Please do not project your views on MY characters. Just because you think things need to be a certain way doesn't mean I do. These are my characters and are created for my enjoyment and creative ideas only. If there are character themes or ideas that you don't agree with or like, don't click on their page and view them. Simple as that.

Please take care and enjoy!

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