Xiorri's Profile Comments

hello subscriber of yuntea !! unfortunately her account has been blocked for 30 days or until june 8th. nobody is able to view her account or communicate with her through toyhouse until then. she asked me to let people know about this so people don't get confused. sorry about the inconvenience!! 

if you would like to communicate with her during the time she is blocked, here are some links that you can find her: deviantart instagram discord scratch 

ty for reading and please spread the word! we can't wait for her to be back <3

Hey, thanks for letting me know. I'm not much active these days, but I can't wait for her to come back <3 I hope it's nothing serious ^^';

no problem!! and it isn't anything very serious, she just fudged her age a little ^^

Ah, I see. Glad to hear it's nothing very serious then ^^'
