Restaurant au 🍽️

Dante, a depressed and recently heartbroken and unemployed 36 years old man who's soon to be fiance of 6+ years was caught cheating on him over the years, inherits an old rundown restaurant from his grandpa with a totally normal basement if we ignore the suspicion metal sealed doors. Unbeknownst to him, the basement doors conceal a portal from hell, through which inhuman beings escape and enter human world more precisely in Dante's home as he in yet another drunken state opened the doors led by curiosity. Despite their looks and inhumane appearance they seem to not intend any harm as drunk Dante waves them off and goes to sleep forgetting about everything only to wake up to bunch of those creatures settling in, in his already cramped living area above the restaurant he owns. 

Being a good man at heart despite his looks he agrees on helping them adapt standing up for them against the government and stating to take full responsibility on him if anything happens. He teaches them a lot but in reality they're teaching him even more helping him overcome his demons and be the happier man again. 

He opens up the restaurant with the help of the creatures that quickly gains huge popularity because of it's unusual employees. The group of creatures also bring something unexpected for Dante, rebuilding the feeling of love and the possibility of loving anyone ever again. This particular creature being Beatrice a motherly leader of the group as well as the baker of the restaurant who's surprisingly the most humane and adapted to the living alongside humans a traits that even Dante feels over skilled at.