

A story centered around Post-apocalyptic cats because why the fuck not

Uncured is the working title of a comic book concept about a post-apocalyptic world, drawn in a simplistic style using a limited pallete, and every character having only very few defining traits, all of them being cats. It follows the story of Cleo, a cat with a red scarf, as he wakes up in a forest somewhere, not remembering anything but his name, and soon realizing that he has a gaping, lethal wound on his neck. Soon after he meets some strange cat in the woods who then FREAKS OUT when she sees him and is just like NOPE! NUH-UH. YOU DIED. I SAW YOU DIE. WHAT THE FUCK. and he's just like uhm, i did WHAT now ma'am and so SHE'S LIKE im so sorry cleo i have no choice. You're gonna turn into one of them. and so she tries to murder poor cleo who manages to escape and then he finds the red scarf to hide the gaping wound in his neck so others dont try to randomly accuse him of being undead and try to murder him for it and THUS adventure. commences. And we meet a bunch of other weird cat characters. Yeah ok it's still very W.I.P and mostly i just use the world to draw Cleo when i feel emo and edgy but dont @ me

cat dog closed species canid warriors Umalyn bird aigippus canine