Central Kirkwall


Central Kirkwall has significantly less flora than Northern and Southern Kirkwall, but it does have many more mountains and animal pastures than the other regions. Some of its roads and pavements are cracked due to heavy rainfall eroding it, but those parts are only in places where not many people go.

A lot of people visit Central Kirkwall for the markets, it is the main attraction for this region of Kirkwall. This region is also known for all of its farms, and tends to trade its produce around the world.


Bentley Primary

Bentley Primary school is abandoned, but is kept in good shape for the region's representation. It's believed that parts of the school have been used to store farm supplies, since the local farm is close by.


Hartford High

Hartford High school is separated into wings, and is a relatively large building. It is two storeys high and has many extra buildings attached for extracurricular activities.


Ladbroke Farm

Ladbroke is a massive farm found close to the primary school. It has a barn, a few sheds and plenty of hay bales scattered around its area. It houses horses, cows, pigs, sheep and chickens. The farmers make profit off of the animal produce and sell them to the marketplaces. They also do horse riding lessons.

Code by Aurorean