Samantha Smith



1 year, 6 months ago



name Samantha Smith
age 12 years old
gender Cis-Female (she/her)
height 4'9"
race British-Israeli
birthday December 22nd
relationship status Asexual-Heteroromantic - Single
occupation Student

Samantha is Kathleen's little sister and makes it her duty to be an annoying one. She'll tease her sister about almost anything, from her corny relationship to her hatred of "formal meetings" she has to attend monthly. Even though she teases Kathleen on the daily, she still loves her sister and will comfort her when she's down, even if that gets a little awkward.

She is very popular at her school, unlike Kathleen, Samantha loves the attention she receives due to her reputation. She loves to dance and it's one of her favourite subjects at school, as well as it being the only subject she's good at.


  • Loves dancing, friends, shopping, annoying Kathleen and Roblox LMAO
  • Dislikes Matzah soup, being dirty, the colour orange and dogs
  • Really good at dancing
  • Popular kid
  • Actually really smart
  • iPad kid
Design Notes

  • Her front teeth fell out
  • Typically wears black and white hairclips
  • Wears a small side ponytail

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