Island Gustavia

A rare and rich island where not many may enter

The noble city of Gustavia is where the wealthiest, most   special people in all of Fabula dwell. A beautiful settlement with vast   mansions and picturesque orchards, Gustavia is the place to go if  you’re  hoping to run into a wealthy suitor (or want to up your  pickpocket  game). The only way to enter Gustavia is to pay 100gp (with a  further  100gp each time you wish to enter a new area and a ‘commoner’s  fee’ when  shopping) but many say that it’s worth the cost. Without an  invitation  from King Arguul himself, your only other way in is if you  happen to be  famous or born into an illustrious family. Your weapons  will be taken at  the gates and returned to you when you leave. Why not  visit the  worldfamous spa while you’re there! Despite the cost,  Gustavia truly has  all the best, from items, knowledge, clothing,  music, food, drink,  enchanting, books, spas, and dances. 


King Arguul. An arrogant elf who believes   he deserves only the best, this King would be a powerful ally and a   dangerous enemy. He searches for beings he wants to keep, lured into   kidnapping them and keeping them as his own. 

Koa Calix Oberon Rafferty. A traumatised tiefling Doctor who only wants to help people. 

Doctor Critheras. An elf Doctor who acts as a father figure to Doctor Calix. 

Rowan O. Lennox. A wealthy professor, Rowan is best friends with Koa. 

Onsen. A very hygienic and sassy white orc who loves to relax others with massages.