King Arguul



6 months, 13 hours ago


Bought from Skele-Tea/ Pixel-Latte on  ‎6. ‎September ‎2022 for $45



King Arguul, in his earlier years, was a promising and passionate individual. Born into a noble Elven family, he exhibited extraordinary magical talent from a young age. His thirst for knowledge led him to study the arcane arts, and he quickly became an invaluable member of a group dedicated to protecting their realm.

In his youth, Arguul was known for his charismatic and inspirational leadership. He forged strong bonds with his comrades, earning their trust and respect. His proficiency in magic, particularly in the school of necromancy, was tempered by a genuine desire to use his powers for the greater good.

During this time, Arguul's life took a tragic turn when his beloved wife fell victim to a malevolent force. Consumed by grief and desperation, Arguul became obsessed with the idea of resurrecting his wife. He delved into forbidden necromantic arts, conducting experiments that alienated him from his once-loyal companions.

The gradual corruption of his soul led Arguul down a dark path. Driven by the overwhelming desire to reunite with his lost love, he became ruthless and power-hungry. Ultimately, his former allies could no longer condone his actions, and he was cast out from the group.

Fueled by bitterness and resentment, King Arguul embraced his darker inclinations. He sought to accumulate power and resources at any cost, including forging alliances with dark forces and unleashing forbidden magics upon his enemies. His once-noble intentions twisted into a thirst for dominion and control.

Now, as the ruler of a kingdom shrouded in darkness, King Arguul is a formidable and feared figure, his tragic past overshadowed by the malevolence that courses through his veins. The necromantic experiments that began as a desperate attempt to defy death have turned him into a merciless tyrant, a shadow of the charismatic and noble Elf he once was.

Once a friend to the old group, King Arguul's tragic past led him down the path of forbidden necromancy. Desperate to resurrect his deceased wife, he turned to dark arts, amassing power and influence. His mastery over death and manipulation make him a formidable adversary.



Runs as King on Island Gustavia, one of the most highed and valuable places. Where only those rich and famous are able to be in.
Once the taxes are up, to those who can´t afford, have a talk with Arguul themselves. 


More to him:


Later: Lawful Evil


Background: Noble



DND Stats and info

Ability Scores:

Strength (STR): 12 (+1)
Dexterity (DEX): 14 (+2)
Constitution (CON): 13 (+1)
Intelligence (INT): 18 (+4)
Wisdom (WIS): 10 (0)
Charisma (CHA): 16 (+3)



  • Strength (STR): Represents physical strength. King Arguul focuses more on magical prowess than physical strength.
  • Dexterity (DEX): Reflects agility and reflexes. An above-average score allows King Arguul to react swiftly.
  • Constitution (CON): Represents health and resilience. While not exceptionally hardy, King Arguul has a decent constitution.
  • Intelligence (INT): As a mage specializing in necromancy, intelligence is crucial for casting powerful spells and understanding arcane knowledge.
  • Wisdom (WIS): Represents awareness and perception. Average wisdom indicates a balanced approach to decision-making.
  • Charisma (CHA): A higher charisma score reflects King Arguul's ability to manipulate and persuade others, a trait essential for political and magical influence.


  • Arcana (INT): +8
  • Deception (CHA): +7
  • Persuasion (CHA): +7
  • Intimidation (CHA): +7
  • Insight (WIS): +4


  • Darkvision: 60 feet
  • Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws against being charmed; immune to magical sleep.
  • Necromancer's Cantrips: Chill Touch, Spare the Dying
  • Spellcasting: Can prepare and cast a variety of necromantic spells.


  • Worn Attire: Regal dark robes adorned with intricate jewelry.
  • Weapon: Enchanted longsword with dark runes.
  • Arcane Focus: An ornate staff crowned with a dark crystal.

Abilities and Traits:

  • Master Necromancer: Proficient in the dark arts of necromancy, capable of raising and controlling undead minions.
  • Manipulative Mind: Skilled in the art of persuasion and deception, able to manipulate the minds of others to serve his goals.
  • Arcane Knowledge: Extensive knowledge of arcane lore, specializing in necromantic practices.
  • Undead Legions: Commands legions of undead minions loyal to his will.



  • Resurrecting His Wife: Driven by grief, seeks to use forbidden necromancy to bring back his deceased wife.
  • Quest for Power: Ambitious and power-hungry, desires to expand his influence and control over the realm.
  • Manipulation of Factions: A master manipulator, aims to control various factions and kingdoms, bending them to serve his dark purposes.


  • Opposition from the Living: Faces resistance from those who abhor necromancy and seek to thwart his dark ambitions.
  • Moral Dilemmas: Struggles with moral dilemmas and internal conflicts, torn between love for his wife and the ethical implications of his actions.
  • Rivalries: Engages in rivalries with other powerful figures who seek to curb his influence or exploit his vulnerabilities.


  • Former Allies: Once considered a trusted ally, King Arguul's transformation has strained relationships with former comrades.
  • Necromantic Cultists: Allies with cultists and necromancers who share his dark pursuits, forming a network of like-minded individuals.
  • Subjects and Subordinates: Maintains control over his kingdom's subjects, leveraging their loyalty through manipulation and fear.


DND Stats for Battle
(See Image)

Class: Necromancer (Level 13)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Proficiencies: Longswords, Shortswords, Shortbows, Longbows


Physical Appearance:

King Arguul possesses an ethereal elven beauty with striking blue eyes and shimmering, flowing brown hair. His regal stature and aristocratic presence command respect, enhanced by the intricate jewelry that adorns him. Although he once radiated an aura of friendship, a symphony of malice now colors his voice, betraying the dark path he has chosen.



  • Necromantic Mastery: As a level 13 Necromancer, King Arguul wields formidable power over the forces of death and undeath.
  • Manipulative Prowess: Proficient in manipulation, he can bend others to his will through cunning schemes and charismatic persuasion.
  • Combat Proficiency: A skilled combatant, he excels in using longswords, shortswords, shortbows, and longbows to defend his interests.


  • Resurrection Quest: Driven by grief, King Arguul seeks to resurrect his deceased wife through forbidden necromantic experiments.
  • Quest for Power: Ambitious and power-hungry, he desires to expand his influence and control over the realm.
  • Manipulation of Factions: A master manipulator, he aims to control various factions and kingdoms, bending them to serve his dark purposes.


  • Undead Legions: Commands legions of undead minions, raised through his mastery of necromancy, providing him with an army of loyal servants.
  • Political Connections: Possesses influential connections within political circles, using them to further his agenda.
  • Arcane Knowledge: Holds extensive knowledge of arcane lore, particularly in the realm of necromancy, allowing him to conduct advanced experiments.


  • Opposition from the Living: Faces opposition and resistance from those who abhor necromancy and seek to thwart his dark ambitions.
  • Moral Dilemmas: Struggles with moral dilemmas and internal conflicts, torn between love for his wife and the ethical implications of his actions.
  • Rivalries: Engages in rivalries with other powerful figures who seek to curb his influence or exploit his vulnerabilities.


  • Former Allies: Once considered a trusted ally, King Arguul's transformation has strained relationships with former comrades.
  • Necromantic Cultists: Allies with cultists and necromancers who share his dark pursuits, forming a network of like-minded individuals.
  • Subjects and Subordinates: Maintains control over his kingdom's subjects, leveraging their loyalty through manipulation and fear.

Role in the Story:

  • Serves as a primary antagonist, driven by personal tragedy and a misguided quest for love.
  • The old group may be tasked with confronting or stopping King Arguul, facing the challenge of opposing a former ally turned dark ruler.
  • His later mastery of necromancy introduces a supernatural element to the conflict, raising undead forces against those who oppose him.

Arc Development:

  • King Arguul's arc may involve moments of redemption, where the old group attempts to appeal to his former self and sway him from his destructive path.
  • The climax of the story could center around a confrontation with the undead forces he commands and the ethical dilemma of stopping him at the cost of his potential redemption.
