The 8 World Leaders

-The 8 World Leaders-

Inspiration: The worlds from New Super Mario Bros. DS

Info: The 8 World Leaders are the leaders of the 8 Worlds. They always wear an accessory with their World icon on it. They all have their own buildings where they stay at. Every once in a while, the World Leaders meet up in one of the Worlds to discuss things with the Worlds as main subject. The Leaders also have different species of creatures who work for them.

-The 8 Worlds-

Info: The 8 Worlds are located in a hidden place which is only accessible via the Warping Well. All 8 Worlds have their own leader. The Worlds are connected to eachother. However, each World is incredibly big and there is a big force wall at the edge of every world. Fortunately, no walking is needed as there are Warping Wells scattered around the Worlds with the theme of that World where it leads to so it’s easier to take them apart. The worlds have their own theme of buildings, citizens, plants, atmosphere, colors, ect.