Zazzers's Bulletins


Posted 10 months, 16 days ago by Zazzers

Hello there! Art Fight seems to have arrived quickly. If you're interested in being added to my list, please share your profile. Additionally, if you'd like me to draw a specific character, feel free to let me know. I would particularly appreciate artwork featuring Sinn or Zazzers, but all characters are welcome. Here's the link to my profile:

MerMay Character Giveaway

Posted 2 years, 5 days ago by Zazzers


MerMay Giveaway

To Enter Favorite: MerMay Giveaway & Zazzers

and Comment on MerMay Giveaway that you completed both and if you subbed!
**Extra entry if you are Subbed to me Zazzers

Giveaway Ends 05/30/2022

♥ Good Luck! ♥