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This is a folder for all of the closed world narratives that I have going - that is to say, original story concepts! ♥ Most of the kids in here have been designed by me.

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The characters in here are both CS, and the non-CS characters that interact with them in their story settings. Some are open-world and they're free to interact with characters that don't belong to me, and some are closed-world, where I'm just puttering around in my own sandbox!

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The characters in here don't have homes or narratives yet! You may offer on anybody except Sevink, but please keep in mind that these designs aren't actively up for trade, so if it's not something specifically listed in my Trade Preferences, I'm probably going to decline your offer.

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This is a folder for open world narratives, so the characters in here are mostly those involved in retired or active roleplaying of some sort, both of a written and tabletop nature.

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This folder is for characters that I have created for worlds that are not my own. That is to say- Because I loved a show and/or the world that another creator has crafted, I made my own characters to move around and play within that world! ♥

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Relatively self-explanatory - this folder includes designs that are for sale or for trade! Please refer to my Sale & Trade Post and to my Trade Preferences before offering - I will be most likely to respond to DMs or comments left on my Sales & Trade post!

nft nfs nonhuman zeda closed species adopted human clo-w o dainty milqilin to be redesigned esprit gemsun omukade socky uft baphomin animal boyfriend czylph draequus