Zeira's Literatures

1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
4 1324 3

Explicit Violence

The weather was freezing, the crackling of fire and distant cries in agony filled the air, accompanied by the pungent smell of death and ashes. But despite this, a small luminous being continues to trot in the middle of the rubble and remains of a village.


A thing I wrote in class a few months ago! <3 I decided to fully translate it in English (as it was French at first, my first language) to show my friend Ash what my actual texts looked like haha I used for most of this a translator (no, not google translate) found on line I could use for free and then I corrected over it ^^

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
5 2907 3

This is the informations/lore about one of my two mains universe: Ezupis. Ezupis is a mythical world in a more medieval state, less developed than our world. They only started archiving story for about 2000-3000 years now, so they don't really know what their world was before. The only thing they always hardly believe is was the gods watching them.