Character Directory

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This folder contains all of my main fursonas. These characters are beyond precious and represent different parts of me or different times in my life. THESE CHARACTERS WILL NEVER BE UP FOR OFFERS SO PLEASE DO NOT ASK.

Fursonas Forever Homed NFS Main OCs

Comfort Characters 632784.jpg

Characters that bring me pure happiness and joy when drawing them or seeing them drawn. Some are used for venting or just a way to escape real world problems. There are also some characters I consider comfort characters that may be in other folders as well so you can search for those by clicking "view all", then "show tags" and select "Comfort characters". NONE OF THESE CHARACTERS ARE UP FOR OFFERS SO PLEASE DO NOT ASK.

Comfort Characters Vent Characters NFS Happiness

Forever Homed 1f97bb04d1804619c7ed0512a480f0ff.jpg

These characters are beyond precious to me. You'll find a multitude of species here so I suggest using the tags to find a specific character if you need to. THESE CHARACTERS ARE NOT UP FOR OFFERS SO PLEASE DO NOT ASK!

Forever Homed NFS Random Relation Characters

Warrior Cats 5691447_full-dark-purple-tumblr-quotes-g

My Warrior Cats OCs that are based on the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Most of these battle cats are currently in an RP or are related to characters being RPed. You'll find subfolders which will show you the characters that are in each world. The ones that are not in one of the subfolders are available to be RPed so feel free to shoot me a message if you'd like to RP with them. NONE OF THEM ARE FOR SALE SO PLEASE DO NOT OFFER.

Battle Cats Roleplay Characters Warrior Cats NFS

Up for Offers tumblr_oaf7lnZTJb1v5bd0zo1_500.jpg

Any of the characters here you are free to make offers on. I'm preferably looking for USD offers but I will consider some character trades or art offers. USD offers have a higher probability of being accepted though.

Adoptable Up for Offers Character Sale DM Me

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