Bay Clan

After a long, prosperous life along the shores of the lake, the clans are hit by a draught that drives prey away to the point that they cannot sustain their growing populations. A group of noble warriors from River Clan exile themselves from the lake territories so that there might be enough preys for the others, and resolve to find a new how to sustain themselves until the draught is finally over. They follow a stream until they reach a bay, where they make a name for themselves among the challenging rogue cats. But Star Clan has promised Owlears (the leader of the group) that she would see her beloved clanmates again and she and her followers eagerly await the time when that promise will be fulfilled.

A tale of faith, family and broken bonds.

Art is Much Appreciated Cats Warriors Equine Quirlicorns Sonic the Hedgehog Big Cats Jungle Emperor Canines Sona You should not be seeing this character pm me if y