acidgyts's Profile Comments

Howdy! This is Ollie from OCA staff, just commenting to confirm this is your amino account! ✨️

yes it is:) 

Awesome! I'll go over and give ya the title! Thanks! ^__^

Hi I finished drawing bubbles all that’s left is to accept the image, hope you like it :3

what was it for? 

It was fan art

OH SHIT. well tysm 🤍🤍

i was just making sure it wasnt a art for character thing that i forgot about :))) 

i love what you did with adding actual BUBBLESSS, sooo cute

Glad you like it :3

Hello acidgyts! This is 🔮CAA🔮 verification member Dean here to ask if this account is yours? If the linked account is not yours or is impersonating you, please let me know ASAP!

thats me:))