

creatures that live alongside ponies

sculpted in their likeness


Life is not the only guide capable of creation, though She is often the arbitor of it. If another guide, or entity, wants to, they can attempt the process, though it is grueling and draining. Draconequus like Discord or Dulcet, the Everfree Entity, and even some magically-heightened ponies have been able to sustain new life. The main categories of non-Lifemade species are the breezies formed by Dulcet, changelings invented by War, chimeras created by the Everfree Entity, and starslugs made by Quench. Many more exist, some just curious experiments by Life or other guides, others formed in their own way through evolution and environmental change. They are often unable to gain Cutiemarks like normal ponies, but may have magical prowess or abilities that rival the other species.

code by dogboy