all_seeing_bunny's Bulletins

Hey Guys! 

I'm on the hunt for someone who will do pagedolls of some of my guys in exchange for art! If you know anyone, or you yourself want to, please let me know!

LF: Icons

Posted 29 days, 7 hours ago by all_seeing_bunny

I'm currently setting up for art fight and realizing a lot of my ocs don't have Icons! 

If anyone would be interested in art or possibly customs for Icons plz let me know! I'm unable to offer money atm as i'm slowly getting into the swing of working again, and don't have much money to spend

Art Fight!

Posted 1 month, 2 days ago by all_seeing_bunny

I'm currently trying to set up my art fight for this year and I was wondering if i could get yalls opinions?

Should I try to add more characters? Am i good with what I have? This is my first time so please let me know what you think