1000 Eyes

A 1 player/1 GM game of Pathfinder 2e I'm running, with urban fantasy and film noir (and post-apocalyptic??) vibes. The player character is Ambriel Veneziano, an aasimar ranger, and his animal companion, Binah.

Nestled in the heart of the Milokulo Jungle and accessible to the average humanoid only by a long inland voyage on the Barrasca River, the massive semi-underground city of Trencada should not exist. And yet, between the extensive jewel mines, exotic farms, and owning the only safe port in the entire jungle, it's practically flourishing... at least, if you're one of the citizens who gets to reap the benefits.

Ambriel Veneziano, P.I. is all too aware of Trencada's dark side-- extensive government corruption, gaping class disparity, the lawless Outskirts on the surface and the organized crime beneath. But he grew up in this city, and he knows there are people here just trying to make the best of things, despite all the odds against them. These are the people that he works for.

danganronpa fanganronpa pathfinder ttrpg goblin lich wereshark lancer lancer oc undead tengu aasimar