
Tai - former sex slave, bought by the arena, freed by Mai

Dai - former unsullied, supposed to be whipped to death, freed by Mai

Mai - former gladiator at the arena

Ash - 18 years, The One Who Married A Baker

Anthrazit - 19 years, the Big Brother, accountant, loves math, will take over part of the company

Silver - 17, Maira 2.0, loves adventures, is the captain of a anti-slavery pirate crew, currently amasing followers

Chafak (the traitor) - dothraki, betrayed his khal and was sold into slavery for it. former Champion of the Arena, beaten by Mai 417 times. Calls Mai the "Unfucked One" because she told him that if he ever beats her, he can fuck her (he has never beaten her). Probably Anthrazits father