Silver Silkweaver



4 years, 6 months ago


Silver Silkweaver, youngest child (May + Chafak) of the bunch, Mommas Little Darling, Absolute Loving Unit and sea-faring lesbian extraordinaire!
🧭Silver is currently in her Rebellious Phase. Rebellious as in "lets destroy the entire concept of slavery", and also as in "Imma wear a titty window"
🧭While shes very obviously Mays favorite child, she also gets along well with Tay and Day.
🧭Tay and her often talk about ships and traveling, and Silver always makes sure that one of her ships is guiding her mom and brother when they go to make trade deals.
🧭Silver loves to read to her dad, Day, and often times picks up new books and stories just to read them to him
🧭 Her fleet consists of mostly freed slave-ships, with a few other ships mixed in
🧭 No one was really surprised that she went into the Anti-Slavery-Business, considering all her parents used to be slaves at one point
🧭 Shes a huge lesbian, and will flirt with any girl she comes across
🧭 Unlike her brother, she never got Tays "full" backstory, so her marriage will come as a weird "Huh Didn't Think You're Into That" surprise for her
🧭 Unlike her mom, she doesn't need to be in control all the time, and charges into things without thinking more often because of that
🧭 She can sing perfectly, which was very useful that one time her ship nearly hit a siren and she had to have a Battle Of The Bands with them
🧭 While she does speak 3 languages fluidly, she always makes sure to have some translators on board, so she can understand most everyone she meets
🧭 She likes to cut of the heads of slavers and present chests full of them to the leaders who don't ban slavery