The Garden


❝ it's a story of sacrifice and betrayal, and of good people dying in stupid, pointless ways. ❞

The characters I played (or am playing) in a long-term campaign (which I define as a non-westmarch campaign I've been part of for 3+ months). There's only two characters in here as of writing this description, but please check them both out because they're both my beloveds!

TTRPGs high-priority art wanted


❝ we have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do. ❞

The characters I'm playing in a non-westmarch campaign that hasn't yet lasted long enough for it to be truly long-term. Seeing as this is a transitional folder for Seeds who'll later become Blossoms, it'll most likely be empty if I haven't entered any new campaigns in a while!

TTRPGs med/high-priority art wanted


❝ everyone wishes to be loved, but the moment they truly are, nearly no one can bear it. ❞

The character ideas I want to play in a long-term campaign at some point, in order of how developed they are! Don't expect much here - I hold back from developing full backstories until they're in a campaign, so what's usually listed is basic facts, personality, and central concept.

TTRPGs med-priority art appreciated

Trees / Non-TTRPG Charas

Fruits / Fancharas

Critters / Original Species

Produce / WIPs / For Trade(?)

code by sanguinearcane

fem adult dont ship complete pls art shippable lesbian picrew neutral original taken dnd asexual bisexual pansexual human aromantic masc underage closed species