aoceli's Bulletins


Posted 6 years, 1 month ago by aoceli


  • each being has a soul energy, but how much is apparent varies between the species
  • all species except most humans can sense soul energy
  • species cannot contract another species' diseases
    • in other words, diseases are species-specific


☾ notable angels: Charmeine Prosperi 

☾ soul energy: 90-100%

  • have massive true forms that are either like a blinding light or a comforting darkness
  • genderless but choose own pronouns according to themselves
  • wing placement varies on the back (shoulder/middle/lower)
  • wings can be out or tucked into back
    • if folded for too long, they will start to ache
  • all angels have halos, fallen angels sport a spiked one
  • halos can be hidden just like the wings but without the pain
  • only angels can kill other angels, but their souls can be manifested into a weapon
    • essentially an angel blade
    • killing another angel is heinous enough to get a death sentence
  • all angels at some point in their lives have joined the guard/military



☾ notable deities: Akrilavia, Miwris, Ziyja

☾ soul energy: ∞%

  • the least common species in existence, in fact, only three are known
  • deities are a very powerful group
  • deities created the world as it is today
  • nonhumans are very drawn to them
  • they are immortal and cannot be killed
  • their bodies are essentially manifestations of light and can be destoryed
    • recovery time is very long


☾ notable demons: Beliah Malis, Dyllon Pyrecrest

☾ soul energy: 90-100% (possibly negative?? get back to...)

  • very tall
    • male average: 6’5”
    • female average: 6’0”
  • Intersex (has female and male reproductive organs) ????? idk man
  • tentadick
  • all horns start as black nubs
    • demons molt their horns yearly (usually in spring)
    • horns vary in color from black, grey, dark maroon or red
  • tails match the color of their horns
    • tail tips may very in shape, from being pointy to more rounded
  • all have a demonic form
    • usually consist of enlarged horns, teeth, and claws
    • the sclera turns black
  • Can be killed
    • if on the surface world, they are "killed" and retreat back to hell for x amount of years they have lived
      • some exceptions
    • if killed in hell, they are done for


☾ notable familiars: Delta

☾ soul energy: 30-70%

  • subspecies of minor demon 
  • a familiar and its master must choose each other mutually. both are marked with a "contract symbol" 
    • this bond is very strong
    • if the witch dies, the familiar will soon follow unless they are able to forcefully remove the contract symbol
  • wanderers of the earth and hell


☾ notable humans: Camilla Blanc, Landon Blanc, Mercy Blanc, Shay Uccello, Vanya, Vincent Cortez

☾ soul energy: 10-40%

  • the most standard species, as well as the most common. They emit the lowest soul energy. 
  • they are usually unaware of the supernatural unless they have come in contact or deal with magic
  • soul energy can be drawn out by means of witchcraft or enchantment
  • killed by any means really. they usually live under 100 years
  • humans came to the planet after they had destroyed earth


☾ notable sirens: Tieno

☾ soul energy: 30-70%

  • sirens are half human and half fish or aquatic mammal.
    • have the ability to breath underwater
    • if they are mammalian, they cannot breath underwater
  • color schemes closely resemble their fish or mammal counterparts
  • usually have face and body markings
  • sirens have pointy teeth, gills, fin-like ears and joints, and webbed fingers
  • sirens do not have the capability to have human legs unless given a spell of some sort
    • those with aquatic mammal tails (i.e. seals) have a better chance of maneuvering on land
  • they sing
  • smell of the sea
  • many die from metal wounds, they get infected.
  • many fisherman do not realize they have just harmed a siren, becuase they cannot see the human part of just looks very blurry
  • legend says, eating mermaid flesh grants eternal life
    • it does not  


☾ notable vampires: Damien Sung

☾ soul energy: 30-70%

  • to turn someone, a full vampire's blood is needed (at least a teaspoon) for insertion
    • half vampires cannot turn someone because the "vampireness" has not latched onto cells yet
  • half vampires can be cured only in short amount of the time of the biting
  • they are only half dead
  • retain the age they were bitten at until the time of their death (unless born a vampire, then they age)
  • can have sun exposure for medium amounts of time
  • prefer the dark
  • can be killed with wooden streak through the heart