Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

  • Almost all of my characters are featured in stories that I actively write privately. I currently don't have any intention of posting these stories online. Thus, information in character profiles will be very sparse.
  • I don't have much interest in selling or trading existing designs/characters, please do not ask 
  • I enjoy making my own original species, which may be noticeable the more you explore my profile. None of these species are available online anywhere with info on how to make your own, as I'm very protective of them. If anyone does make a character from a species I have created it means they are my friend who's received explicit permission from me. 
    • I do not consider these closed species; I'm not interested in debating whether or not they are or the ethics of closed species
  • Most character folders are sorted by world -> race/species (if there is one in common)
    • Some will only be sorted by world or race/species without subfolders
  • Character pronouns will be in tags (ex- he, she, they) 
    • Any further info can be found in the character's profile

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