she-her he-him human cat they-them night elf kaldorei he-they nephilim quirk death knight mage esper summoner demon god she-they high elf they-he demon hunter sindorei gray blood elf biotic era urmahlullu queldorei Ashen One anedarius nephalem angel rogue dragon mouse highborn femicuru spellcaster lich personification lagrima griffin alien paladin he-it gnome rendorei chromatic dragonflight this one-it wasp ufu draenei monk she-he rabbit vastaya he-they-it nerevarin zuzya Hero of Ferelden Herald of Andraste hunter grey it-they he-they-she myosotis pixie slime shadow ghost altmer porcupine Champion of Kirkwall bird abrictosaurus forsworn nightborn priest warlock prothean bee it-its symbiote vampire fairy engineer night wraith wizard dark elf grey warden qunari they-he-she he-them shaldorei void elf bronze dragonflight it-they-he hanar ova they-it klyntar shaman mortemite mint android salarian cyborg dunmer rat The Warden The Inquisitor amphicoelias druid