Which way...?

Explore Asphodel

Asphodel is a small town of mostly angels and demons who have left their positions under the strict rule of Elysium and Tartarus to start lives of their own. To humans, it appears as an old, abandoned city. The vapors from the River Lethe, which forms a moat around it, will soon make them forget that they were ever there. If they wish to enter, they must locate a woman on the border named Valkyrie.

Other Not-So-Distant Lands

If travelers follow along the five rivers in the area - Styx, Lethe, Acheron, Phlegethon, and Cocytus - they will be lead to various other somewhat-nearby places.


A third, other type of existence. Those who dwell here live on another plane, something not quite of this world.

The Traveler's Guide to the Underworld is a must-read for anyone new to the area,
whether they be checking out the shoppes and tourist destinations
or planning a future move into the city of Asphodel, Elysium, Tartarus (God forbid!), or,
if the rumors are true and there really is such a place, the fabled Atlantis.

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