✿彡 Irrelyn:Wish

「Irrelyn is a story about Lavender, a curious girl who wants to help her father after an incident at their family-owned clinic!
She travels with her friends and comes across strange happenings, accidentally getting involved in things she should not.」
Main Characters


Irrelyn began as a world populated by humans, but as time went on the world began to die.
Beyond their realm were gods discussing how to handle the death of Irrelyn, and they agreed to allow it for the burst of Hourdust that can be reused.
The God of Nature named Sequoia, and his lover, the Goddess of Wishes named Claret, had different plans. The two went to Irrelyn with Sequoia's Saplings species to try and heal the world.
The gods noticed, and the ruling Goddess of Time, Doomsday confronted them alongside Fell (Goddess of War, Claret's sister), and Saffi (Doomsday's "Little bird"). As the situation escalated, Doomsday slashed at Sequoia in her anger, killing him. When she turned to leave Irrelyn, She ordered Fell to kill Claret.
When Fell cornered and raised her sword at Claret, she couldn't go through with it, instead injuring her to fool Doomsday, and then sealing her underneath Irrelyn.

Claret, who could not hold her grief and betrayal, used the last of her current energy to cast a shield around Irrelyn from all outsiders, but was only able to cover a portion before falling asleep for nine hundred(?) years.
Aware for all those years, a craving for revenge had settled in her heart. She could not be called of wishes any longer, instead she can only be described as the Goddess of Karma.
Upon her awakening, she used her well rested abilities to call out for those with similar feelings for revenge as her. To break the seal to allow her to rise from the earth and bring karma to those who have wronged others, several special trees must be destroyed so the roots holding her will let her go. She promises a young sapling help with revenge if he creates a group of like-minded people to destroy the trees.


Irrelyn is mostly home to a species called Saplings. Their presence is healing to the environment and promote plant growth.
They have kemonomimi features and live longer than humans. Some Saplings can transform into the animal they have the features of.

「Magic System」

Magic can be used by anyone, but difficult to manifest. If it is manifested, it's in one of the three magic categories.
Manipulation: Can manipulate certain materials. | Sight: Can see things ie. dead people, fate threads, through others eyes. | Creation: The ability to create specific things from nothing.
Magic can also be enchanted into objects and weapons, creating a variety of capabilities a weapon can have.
When magic is used over periods of time or in a huge burst, the user can become corrupted.
