Home to all my DARPG-related dogs belonging to Aspen Grove Kennel (German Shepherd Dogs and Dalmatians) and Carolina Creek (Rifle Dogs, Taiga Gazals, and Petite Jaros). Please excuse periods of inactivity. Any dogs that are not sorted are not active.

All dogs are 2 years old until they achieve a Pedigree Club championship (or have been inactive for 6+ months), where they'll be then aged up a year. They will age up a year if they gain a Kennel Club championship, a grand championship in either club, after siring or whelping a litter, gaining 3 or more complete title sets, or if I decide they've been around long enough to be aged up (because I'm winging this lol).

Most profiles should look good on mobile, but there may be a few formatting issues as I primarily use a PC when setting them up.

Canine Wolf Dragon Female ArtFight 25 Lumen Dog Canis Lumen DARPG UFO For Offer Profile Blurb For Trade For Sale Male GSD Cat Feline German Shepherd Eastern Dragon