

Welcome to the weird, wacky, whimsical world of Toontown!

...Well, it's safe to say that it's certainly seen better days. Toontown is still a city of seltzer and slapstick, but with the arrival of the cogs and their plans to transform it into a monochrome, mechanical metropolis, Toontown's glory days have unfortunately become a thing of the past. Most toons are more than willing to fend off the cogs using their gags and any other tricks they may have up their sleeves, but the cogs just retaliate every time, and are all too keen to minimize Toontown's morale.

With the conflict between toons and cogs not showing any signs of stopping anytime soon, Toontown has been thrown into a state of semi-dysfunction and has actively become more dangerous for toons to live in. Toontown's citizens generally refuse to give it up that easily, but there is some worry that no matter what, a big part of what has made Toontown what it is will forever be lost in the aftermath, or that time will run out to even save it at all. Some toons have lost all motivation to even fight back.

What's more, cogs are no longer the only threat that Toontown has to deal with, as not every face in Toontown is a friendly one. There's toons out there who are also evil, whether they work with the cogs or have their own sinister motives. Some toons are more hostile, antagonistic and bad-mannered than some cogs will ever be. At least there's cogs who side with most toons as well, having defected from Cogs, Inc. and not seeing any reason in their plans for takeover. Even then, there's both toons and cogs who don't care one way or the other about what happens, indifferent to it all.

It's all fun and games... until it's not.

(this story branches off of Toontown Online's premise while also borrowing some aspects from the lore/worldbuilding of it, Toontown Rewritten and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. it also has some darker undertones and plot elements than TTO and its private servers do, in a similar vein to WFRR)